Wednesday, 29 July 2009

What Dreams Come True?

You must have heard the oft-mentioned phrase, 'dreams do come true.' I heard it too. But with questions. Not that I like asking questions, but this phrase had me pegged down for quite sometime. Well it never told you the kind of dreams that come true. Let me clarify myself with these questions: What kind of dreams come true? Is it dreams about work and employment, dreams about success, dreams about love and partners for life, or dreams of fantasy and desires? Or is it dreams conclusively comprising all these and others not mentioned? Lets just say dreams differ as much as people differ, and that a person can have many dreams or no dreams at all, a single dream or still in the process of forming that dream. I confess I am a dreamer of many dreams, and I intend to make some of them come true, I mean if I can't make every dream come true.

One of my earliest dreams was having my sight filled with scottish landscape and its people. Many reasons, one being that as far as my little head can let me recall, we (the scots and Mizos) are the only people called HIGHLANDERS!!! Secondly, I am charmed by their poets and writers, by their missionaries and philosophers, and the pride in which they uphold themselves. I have desired to be able to walk and climb the highlands, look at the majesty of their castles that fills the skyline of their towns and cities. To all these, I have made the dreams come true. But, one rather ludicrous desire I had was to get me a picture taken with a scottish piper in scotland. I have whizzed passed them on many occasions while travelling, and have also walked passed them in the streets on my way to college. In many of the occasions, either I have a camera without a photographer or a photographer without a camera. They eluded me for such a long long time, I was filled with despair for my time in Scotland was really really running out. So one day, I took the wife for lunch and there I saw a sight that had always eluded me. The PIPER, he was just a few paces in front of me. I had a camera, and a photographer!!! And the result is this picture posted about these writing. I am still in the hunt for a colourful Piper still.

All these experiences taught me one thing. Pursuing dreams can be a cumbersome process, no matter how big or small the dream is. But, once accomplished, it is all worth it. You set new dreams to scale and make come true. So, my questions about dreams coming true has been clarified; the phrase 'dreams do come true' can mean any kind of dreams.


rebecca said...

I know of another dream of yours that came true...YOU MARRIED ME!! hehe

Dinga Chinzah said...

Truly said my Love, truly said